Sunday, August 8, 2010

Learning On The Leash...

I love taking my dogs for walks.  Ok, so they've only been on a walk together three times (I know I'm a bad puppy mommy, but they do a lot of running in the yard) and two of those times Pat (puppy daddy/hubby to be) had the crazy 10 month old puppy (Roxy) and I had Gir who is four and weighs as much as I do (THANK GOD HE LISTENS WELL). 

We would walk Gir fairly often last summer.  A nice evening walk just our little family, PERFECT!

And then, one beautiful November day we found ourselves at PetSmart to get food for our chinchilla and they just happened to be having an adoption day for a local no kill shelter.  We didn't stop to look on the way in but while we were standing in the small animal (?) food aisle Pat looks at me and says, "Gir needs a friend."  Being a girl, when you get the green light for a puppy, your brain gets clouded with the thought of four little feet and puppy kisses and snuggling during naps.  Seconds later I found myself outside the store with no recollection of how I got there and honestly I didn't care.  I was looking at eight adorable German Sheppards mixed with, well we still don't know. I held two before our little Roxy escaped the cage and found herself in my lap that was all it took she was mine and I didn't care what I had to do for this cute little girl I was going to do it.

Roxy's first time on the leash was interesting and that is an understatement.  We assumed she would be a natural at this because all she had to do was follow her big bro that she absolutley idolizes. She didn't want to go anywhere and especially where daddy was leading her.  We made it half  a block (and we have REALLY small blocks) and Roxy decided to lay down on the side of the road she wasn't getting up, she wasn't following Gir and I, she said, "This is my spot and  I'm staying here" like she discovered a new country or something.  Her next walk she did pretty well until she got tired and set up the United States of Roxyia close to the end of the walk. 

This brings me to today.  I had been sick with a kidney infection for the last week and all three of us (Pat is currently deployed) had a bit of cabin fever.  Finally feeling well enough to get the pupulas out we waited until dusk and we collar and leashed up and headed out the door.  For some reason I thought they would take pity on me and be good since daddy wasn't here.  NOPE that didn't happen well Gir was good as usual but Roxy tugged, sat, wrapped me up in the leash and just plan went CRAZY.  We made it half a block because Roxy is afraid of teenage boys and wouldn't go past the baseball field bleachers where two dudes were sitting...

She is absolutely enamored with him.

I'd LOVE to hear your leash training disaster stories

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