Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why I must compromise on Holiday Festiveness (aka I married the grinch)

I grew up with the house being completely Christmasified from the day after Thanksgiving until New Years Day.  I just figured this is what everyone does and this is how it should be.

Fast forward about 16 years to December 2008 I met Pat while we were both deployed so obviously his house wasn't decorated (except for a wreath that his grandma bought and displayed.

Last year, December 2009, we bought a tree because I HAVE TO HAVE a Christmas tree.

This year I decided that we should decorate outside, well Pat had other ideas.  I don't know why he doesn't like to decorate outside but its very depressing that our house is not festive and down the street a little someone has a crazy light show complete with their own music.  I also decided this year that since we're married now we should probably send Christmas cards as much as we both agreed since we're included in my mom's card's picture that we were covered but my responsible self overrides my lazy self more often than I like so I let him pick out the cards as long as I approved.  Not being able to describe my frustration with his unfestiveness I've made a few pics comparing our differences.

My Christmas Card Pat's Christmas Card
My card is pretty with all the symbols of the season and all of the glitter in the county.Pat's card well... speaks for itself
My Christmas TreePat's Christmas Tree
My tree has crazy mismatched ornaments and lights and enough tinsel that the dogs are still crapping it at Easter!Pat's tree is Nightmare Before Christmas themed (maybe I would go for this if we had 2 trees.)
My Christmas HousePat's Christmas House
My yard is CRAZY and cluttered with everything Christmas so many lights that we have to put a beach towel over the bedroom window so we can sleep (yes, I had to do this when I was little.)Pat threw a strand of lights in the yard and said he was done. OH! and there is a wreath on the door I forgot about that.

I will post later what I finally compromised for with real pictures even though I'm almost awesome at ms paint!